Palliative care is person and family-centred care with the primary aim of optimising quality of life – it extends beyond the end-of-life period. Entering palliative care early can be beneficial and individuals may move in and out of palliative care services on many occasions throughout their lives to gain support, link to services, to access respite care. It is available to anyone with a life-limiting illness, with the aim to help achieve a good quality life. Accessing palliative care can occur simultaneously with receiving treatment and other health care services. Palliative care is conducted by a team of multidisciplinary health professionals and can involve:

  • Management of physical symptoms and pain

  • Emotional, spiritual and psychological support

  • Social care including domestic assistance and provision of personal care

  • Support for families and to help families discuss sensitive issues

  • Counselling and grief support

  • Referrals to respite care services

To find palliative care services you can access in WA, click the button below.