Strategic plan

At Neuromuscular WA, we use an Agile One-Page Strategic Planning (OPSP) methodology to keep our big-picture vision clear and our actions focused. This approach helps us stay adaptable and efficient, which is especially important in the for-purpose sector.

Each year, our team and Board participate in a strategic planning session, guided by an external facilitator. Throughout the year, our Community Services Team gathers feedback from our community on the events and activities we host, and this valuable input is incorporated into our planning. We reflect on our successes, tackle challenges, and explore trends in our sector.

Together, we set key objectives, measures and results for the year ahead, ensuring that everything we do aligns with our values of accountability, honesty, reliability, and inclusiveness. Each goal is assigned to a team member with a clear timeline.

Our Executive Team develops quarterly plans, which are reviewed by the Finance and Risk Committee (FRC) to track progress and manage risks. The Board, which includes significant representation of lived experience, has the strategic planning deliverables as agenda items for their oversight, where they review progress, identify emerging obstacles and ensure that the voices of our community are woven into all aspects of our planning and review processes.

Our Executive Team also meet monthly to monitor our progress using key performance indicators (KPIs), ensuring we remain aligned with our 10-year vision and are ready to respond to any changes that arise over that time.

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